Everyday I am surrounded by exhausted people. Friends, peers, neighbors. Everyone seems to be exhausted. And lately I've been wondering why. Hang on, I'm on to something.
We live in a time where we are taught that if we want something, we must make it happen. Everything is up to the individual. While I'm not dismissing the audacious spirit, I'm asking that we trust the process instead. How generic, right? I'll be more specific.
Everyone has that one thing he/she tries to cling to. It could be a certain season of life, a place, a person, or even the idea of another. Some use all their might to reach ahead to this coveted "thing," while others are bending backwards to reach for something in the past. Regardless of whether we are straining ahead or lingering behind, our weak arms need a break. So I want to propose the idea of holding on by letting go. In other words, when said "thing" out of reach, the best way to cling to its goodness is to let go. Let it go.
Otherwise, we are wasting valuable energy for nothing. Like Sisyphus, we exhaust ourselves to the point of chronic weariness without any progress. This can become detrimental because exhaustion breeds darkness, both in the literal sense (when we are tired we draw the curtains, close the blinds, and sleep in a dark bedroom) and figuratively speaking. And considering there is a time and place for everything, I don't think we were designed to live in constant darkness.
So be still and let it go. If the thought of that is too much to bear, consider this: if something is innately good (and I don't mean good as in "Oh, this bagel is good," but good in the purest and most spiritual light), then this "something" will show up again. And it will be the most undeniable, amazing gift. But if said "thing" never resurfaces, nor happens at all, then rest in the fact that it wasn't intended for you. I am rooted in the idea that relinquishing control and surrendering these outstretched arms will only bring clarity.
And meanwhile, rest in the present because this is how we can reenergize ourselves and thus, carry on.
This, my friends, is how we walk in light.
Yours Truly,
(My attempt at being artsy)
(My artsy attempt gave me splinters)
(What June wore: Hat from J. Crew Factory//Dress from UO (old)//Sweater from Banana Republic (old)// Shoes from H&M similar to these)